Tuesday, January 4, 2011

RichRod Out!

Beat Yahoo! again!  The news comes via Fox 2 out of Detroit.  Rodriguez was 15-22 over 3 season in Ann Arbor and his Wolverines were bitch slapped 52-14 by Mississippi State in the Gator Bowl on New Year's day.  Word also is that Stanford's Jim Harbaugh is "unlikely" to become the new head coach.  We who love the Buckeyes will miss Rich (we hadn't even run out of Llyod Carr jokes yet).  In the Bucks 3 wins, they outscored Michigan 100-24.  Ouch.

Fox Report - 2:46, ESPN - 2:48, Me - 2:56
Yahoo - Found on their NCAAF page @ 3:18, Still absent from their sports front page