Saturday, July 30, 2011

Hugh Hefner : Crystal Harris Lied About Our ‘Two Second’ Sex Life !

Hugh Hefner calls ex-fiancee Crystal Harris a liar and says he feels sorry for her. He also revealed he realizes she never loved him. Poor Hef!

Crystal Harris didn’t stop at leaving Hugh Hefner a day before their wedding, she also insulted him by saying sex with him lasted “two seconds” during the one time she says they slept together. Some nerve. Hef has been a good sport about Crystal, joking about watching Runaway Bride after she dumped him, but now he’s had enough. “Crystal lied about our relationship on Howard Stern but I don’t know why. Maybe a new boyfriend?” tweeted Hef last night, before he removed the message later on.And that’s not the only lie he’s upset about. “Crystal convinced me that she adored me. That was the first lie,” he explained on Twitter.

But Hef says he’s happy with his new girlfriends and realizes Crystal “didn’t love” him. In fact, he pities her. “I feel sorry for Crystal. She seems lost.”

Ouch. Crystal’s not the only one who can dish out insults.[]