Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tips : Stay Fit through your Pregnancy

There is 5 tips for mom how stay fit through pregnancy

1. Become active.
There are a host of activities that you can submit to when it comes to staying fit. You can try Pilates, yoga, walking, swimming, and other forms of exercise that will help you work up a light sweat. If it’s freezing outside, walk inside your home or ask your spouse to drive you to the mall so you can walk (as well as shop for cute maternity clothes!). Use good judgment on your exercise regimen because too much exertion that will keep your heart racing and your temperature up is bad for your baby. Make sure to get sound advice from your doctor about your plans of enrolling in an exercise class and tell him which one you want to take up during the course of your pregnancy.

2. Always stay hydrated.
Constipation and bloating (totally unrelated to your growing tummy) are two of the health issues that will keep you from staying fit. To combat these, drink a lot of water and fresh fruit juices. Even a vegetable smoothie will help get you the fiber that you need to help maintain regularity while staying hydrated. And while you’re pregnant, keep off carbonated drinks and caffeine.

3. Sit down. 
 All that running around will cause you to eat anything in sight. When your body tells you that it’s exhausted, sit down and your cravings will totally halt as well. Try it!

4. Try to wear pregnancy-appropriate clothing.
Pregnancy-appropriate mean that you wear the correct-sized clothes during stages of your pregnancy e.g. first trimester and so on. Wearing too loose clothing will make you eat more than what you need. So when going through racks of maternity clothes, choose those that can be adjusted to fit you while also factoring in what looks great and fashionable on you!

5. Choose baby safe and nutritious snack foods.
Consult your doctor about which snack foods are allowed for the duration of your pregnancy. If you have food allergies particularly over nuts, you need to get yourself tested to prevent adverse reaction. Chances are you’re safe snacking on carrots, celery, and raisins, along with a small bowl of ranch dressing on the side. [howtodothings.com]