Tuesday, July 19, 2011

David Beckham fears he is a phone hacking victim

David Beckham reportedly believes he was a victim of the News of the World phone hacking scandal.

The footballer is preparing to launch a multimillion-pound lawsuit if his legal team finds out he is on the list of 4000 possible victims, the Daily Star reported.

One source said Beckham thinks between 40 and 50 stories in the now defunct newspaper between 2002 and 2007 may have come from his phone being hacked.

He has also reportedly been told journalists tried to look at his wife Victoria’s medical records when she became pregnant with their first child, Brooklyn, 12.

“David believes he has been one of the biggest targets, and therefore victims, of this hacking scandal,” an insider said.

“He is convinced his privacy has been seriously breached for up to a decade. Over the years, David and Victoria have been very suspicious about the origins of some of the stories printed about them. We’re not just talking big things, like his alleged affair with Rebecca Loos, but stuff like presents he’d bought Victoria, homes they were looking at and cars they were buying. It all might seem quite trivial but there were some serious security issues if their movements, and those of their children, were being accessed this way. There were dozens of stories about David and his family over the past decade and it is hard to work out which may have come about because of phone hacking. His lawyer is looking into it.”

A spokesman for the Beckhams said: “This is not something we would discuss.”[entertainment.ca.msn.com]