Friday, July 22, 2011

Lindsay Lohan ordered to enroll in psychological counseling program

A Los Angeles judge ruled on Thursday that troubled Hollywood actress Lindsay Lohan has made some progress fulfilling the terms of her probation, but she had still to enroll in a one-on-one psychological counseling program within three weeks.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Stephanie Sautner ruled that, the "Mean Girls" star has completed just 33 of the 480 community service hours, but she wanted to see proof within 21 days that the starlet has enrolled in a counseling session.

Sautner also reminded Lohan that she has one year to complete all the terms of her probation, which stems from a misdemeanor theft case involving a necklace valued at 2,500 dollars that the actress took from a Venice jewelry store early this year.

Lohan's attorney Shawn Holley assured the judge that Lohan would complete the counseling requirement at a progress-report hearing. She said the actress was making efforts to complete the psychological counseling. The starlet had been enrolled in one-on-one counseling sessions with a psychologist at UCLA, but had to end that program due to "financial issues" that apparently involved her insurance coverage through the Screen Actors Guild, she said.

Lohan, 25, was sentenced on April 22 to 120 days in jail and 480 hours of community service for violating her probation in the misdemeanor DUI case.

She pleaded no contest May 11 through her attorney to stealing the necklace. On May 26, Lohan was booked at the Century Regional Detention Facility in Lynwood and immediately released to serve her jail sentence through home detention. She served about one month of home detention which ended June 29.[]