Friday, April 6, 2012

Make a Flower in Nail Art

Nail art is a simple way to add personal flair to your nails. Nail art can be used to show flair during the holidays, show your support for your favorite team or cause, or it can be used merely to show your individuality.

Learning how to make your own nail art flowers is not hard and takes only minutes to do. If you would like to become a cosmetic artist, one great way to begin is with online classes in design; you can get free registration information here.

To create nail art flowers:

1. First you’ll want to paint your fingernails in a solid color. This is solely left up to you.

2. Next, pick two colors that are different then the shade of your nails. You’ll want to be sure to pick something a little brighter than your nail shade so the flower will stand out.

3. Now you are going to start on the petals. Pick the color you are going to use for these petals. Start from the center of the nail and make a curvy line that extends over to the outer edge of your nail. Then starting at the top of this line, connect back to the end with another curvy line. The shape should resemble a leaf, or the petal of a flower.

4. Repeat this step until you have the desired number of petals. Five petals seem to be the general rule. Any more, then the nail becomes crowded. Larger nails might require one more petal and smaller nails might need one petal less.

5. Take the second color of nail polish and use it to fill in the middle of the petals. Make a circle and touch all the petals of your flower. If you like you can also use this color to add highlights to your petals. This will accent them and really make the flower “POP” on your nails.

6. Let the flowers dry completely. Once they are dry, apply a clear top coat over the flower nail art. Applying a clear top coat to the flower nail art will allow it to shine and last longer. Top coat can prevent the flower nail art from chipping and fading.

To create another flower nail art look, apply a French manicure to your nails. Allow the polish to dry completely. If you prefer, you can use a clear base coat instead of a French manicure. Using a toothpick, dip into the color you have picked for the center of your flower. Dot it to your nail.

Take another toothpick and dip it into the color you are using for your petals. Dot this color around the center. This will be your petals. To complete the flower and this step is optional, take a clean toothpick, dip it into green nail polish and draw a line down from your flower, and a few leaves. Once the flower is dry cover the nail with a clear top coat. You now have decorative flower nail art.[]