Sunday, December 18, 2011

Scarlett Johansson: Don't Call Me ScarJo!

A nickname is often meant as a term of endearment.

But Scarlett Johansson doesn't take kindly to people shortening hers to "ScarJo."

"It's laziness," the 27-year-old actress told USA Today. "People can't actually say the whole name? It's just bizarre."

She pondered aloud why other stars didn't have their names shortened by the press -- like Daniel Day-Lewis as "DaDay" or Cate Blanchett as "CaBla."

"Why is that?" she quipped. "Why do I have to get 'stuck' with a mangled moniker?"

She told USA today if she hears someone refer to her as "ScarJo," she "[doesn't] know them at all."

In addition to being called a nickname she detests, Johansson endured a very public breakup from husband Ryan Reynolds and a split from boyfriend Sean Penn this past year. "The hardest part is actually going through whatever hardship you're facing. Going through it in public is the added unfortunate thing," she told USA Today. "There's nothing you can do about that."

Despite her hectic 2011, she said "it'd be silly to say, 'Oh, God, I can't wait for this year to end.' Why wish your time away?"[]