Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Jennifer Lopez Video Hunk, William Levy, Sued By Teen For Sexual Battery

Jennifer Lopez did not have sex with her music video co-star, hunky model/novela actor, William Levy, but someone else did. Unfortunately, it wasn't consensual. And the girl was underage.

Shocking allegations have been made against William Levy, the buff, handsome Latin soap star known as the "Brad Pitt of Cuba," who appeared in Jennifer Lopez's I'm Into You music video. Levy has been mentioned in the press as the possible cause of J-Lo and Marc Anthony's sudden divorce--a rumor which he has denied. Now it seems, he has other problems far worse than a rumored affair with the American Idol star. He's embroiled in a scandal of his own. And it's a biggie.

Levy is being sued for sexual battery of a minor whom he allegedly "lured" to his Hilton Hotel room, where he "forced [her] to perform [sex act] on him, strangling her in the process, [and] e****lated in her mouth, on her person, through which he transmitted a sexual disease..." Goodness. If all that's true, Levy is a one man crime wave. The alleged victim who was taken to an emergency room is suing for $2.5 million.

Of course, Levy denies it. Or most of it anyway. In his version, the teen girl went to his room where she "willfully, fraudulently, and maliciously deceived [him] into believing that she was a 19-year-old consenting adult," and then "gave consent to any and all alleged acts." He also claims her physical and emotional distress were "self-inflicted"--whatever that means--and that she tried to blackmail him for $950,000. He is counter suing for "defamation and extortion."

If the accusations against William Levy are true, it's a good thing Jennifer Lopez's relationship with him never progressed beyond the purely professional level. But then, considering his alleged sexual proclivities, J-Lo's a little too old for him. He wouldn't have been into her.[celebs.gather.com]