Monday, August 22, 2011

Fanged Foes: Colin Farrell vs. Robert Pattinson

Remember when movie vampires were scary, bloodthirsty killers? Nope? Thanks to "Twilight," neither do I. Or should I say neither did I -- until I recently saw DreamWorks/Disney's remake of "Fright Night."

Toni Collette ("The Sixth Sense"), David Tennant (TV's "Dr. Who"), and Golden Globe winner Colin Farrell ("In Bruges") as vampire Jerry Dandridge, "Fright Night" returns the genre to its roots: horror, not high school. While the PG-13-rated "Twilight" franchise has found a massive following (primarily teenage girls) by focusing on a silly love triangle, unnecessarily shirtless werewolves, and vegetarian vampires (lame!), "Fright Night" is aiming to please the real fang fanatics out there who are looking for a violent, R-rated romp that delivers actual chills ... and an actual villain.

The "Twilight" baddies are a coven of vampires known as the Volturi. And truth be told, they aren't that terrifying. Neither is Robert Pattinson (aka sparkly vampire Edward Cullen), who spends the majority of his time brooding and posing with his signature coif. Well, move over, RPattz, because Colin Farrell's Jerry is the real deal. Like Edward, Jerry has pale skin and black eyes, but that's where the similarities end. Jerry is mean, manly, sexy, sleazy, and surprisingly funny. Most importantly, he's a killer -- what every movie vampire should be!

By no means am I trying to upset you "Twilight" fans. Own it, love it. I just happen to like my vampire movies to have some scares and a whole lot of blood.

Feel free to disagree with me, but only after you check out "Fright Night," which opens nationwide on Friday, August 19.[]