Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Lady Gaga to Guest on The Simpsons

Get ready, Little Monsters: Lady Gaga's about to get animated.

The singer will guest-star as herself in a 2012 episode of The Simpsons, Entertainment Weekly reports. Gaga recorded her lines Monday for the episode.

"I make music, but I don't do voice-overs every day of the week, and their characters are so awesomely convincing and sincere and wild and funny, I had to remind myself constantly of the sincerity of the humor," Gaga says. "That's what I was trying to focus on, not putting on a character too much and really being as sincere as I could with the lines."

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In the episode, called "Lisa Goes Gaga," Gaga comes to Springfield to cheer up Lisa through the power of speech, song and a flash mob after learning the town is "teeming with low self-esteem." She also ends up kissing Marge. "I play a little bit of a slut," Gaga quips. "The apple doesn't fall far from my artistic tree."

The gig was "one of the coolest things I've ever done," she says. "My dad's probably going to do 80 backflips when the episode comes out."

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Added series creator Matt Groening: "Since the very beginning, I've always wanted to have on the most iconic personalities of our time, and she's it."[]